5 Fringe Activity Ideas For A Corporate Team Building Party
The parties that last from dawn to dusk are the most exciting ones. Yes, we are talking about sleepovers here. Whether you are a kid, a teen, or an adult, sleepover parties are your favorite, and we know that. So here are some of the fringe activities ideas that you can plan out in your sleepover.
If you ever have a huge sleepover party, with lots of guests coming in. Here are some ideas for the food theme for fringe activities.
Camping indoor

Let your team make a pitched tent from scratch and then sleep at night in the tent. All that you need to arrange for are your sleeping bags, blanket forts, or the indoor tents that can bring the entire camping feel in the wild inside your home. To take this experience to the next level, you may want to decorate your room with a jungle theme and then pitch the tents in that room. Let your team experience how it is to stay in the wild at your sleepover party. These are fringe activities ideas that your friends are surely going to enjoy.
Making a paper plane
The favorite paper plane origami must have been forgotten by most of us. Why not have a paper plane making a challenge at your sleepover party? If you thought that was way too easy, then wait as the challenge does not end here. Your team does not just have to make the paper plane but throw it too. The one who can throw the plane the farthest is the winner. These fringe activities ideas are sure to keep your team engaged for long.
Truth or dare

This may be the most common of the fringe activities ideas in a sleepover, but its popularity gives this game entry into the list of the best fringe activities ideas. Ask all your team members to sit in a circle, and you would need to place a bottle in the middle of the group in a horizontal position. One person has to spin the bottle, and when the bottle stops to spin, the person towards whom the mouth of the bottle points takes up the challenge. If the person opts for truth, then he or she would have to answer a question, but honestly. If he chooses dare, then he would be given some task to perform.
Blindfolded Drawing

Want to be a little creative, then get a white sheet of paper and some pencils and ask your friends to draw on it. However, there is a little challenge here. You and all your team members need to be blindfolded. You may also wish to choose a theme for the drawing. Once done, unfold the blind and see how hilarious it is when the drawings are revealed.
Tasty spin
There is a little pre-preparation needed to play this game. You will have to arrange for paper plates, candies, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. The players have to fill up the paper plate with different kinds of food and then have to place it on the table. They then form a circle and spin a bottle. The person towards whom the mouth of the bottle points has to eat the food as is instructed to him.
Sleepover parties are a growing trend today. The members stay awake all night and enjoy activities, gossip, and great food. The above are some fun sleepover games, and you may want to try them at your next sleepover party.
You can simply seek professional help from the experts in the industry, such as Partyinkers. Do more research and learn the unlimited benefits of having fringe activities, having a bond within all ages are established.
Fringe Activities Food Theme Ideas: http://dima-bilan.org/fringe-activities-ideas-for-events-food-themed/
Partyinkers, Fringe Activities Expert: https://www.partyinkers.com/fringe-activities/
Advantages of Fringe Activity Singapore: https://www.bdo.hu/en-gb/insights/5-advantages-of-the-fringe-benefits-%E2%80%93-from-a-profe